Sunday, June 27, 2010

The New Me

Normally a hair cut wouldn't make the blog but if you have seen the hair recently this was drastic. I flirted with the idea of growing a ponytail but in the end, it got buzzed. I think I am going to keep it like this for a while, low maintenance, and much cooler.
On another note, only 5 days until my board exam so please keep me in your prayers. I am well prepared so just pray that I am relaxed and focused on test day. 5 days till I get 3 full days of freedom! I can't wait!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baby on the Way!

Well, I got one past the goalie! Christie is about 6-7 weeks along and this is "it's" official first picture. See that little arrow? .38 cm long. Pretty amazing and watching a little heart beat on the screen was even more amazing. Crazy that in 7 1/2 months that thing is going to come out as a baby. I am super excited and it sure is hard to hold off from telling everyone but we are going to give it a few weeks before it's "facebook official". Pretty exciting!!! Many more updates to come...