Friday, July 30, 2010

Cross Psych off the list

Well one rotation is behind me. I guess first I should start by saying Step 1 board exam is behind me. I got my score back and thank God I passed. I would have liked a better score but I am really happy I never have to do that again. I have never had an anxiety attack but I was awfully close when I was loading my score report. I started Psychiatry at the beginning of July but it never really felt as though I was a third year student until 3 weeks in when I found out I passed step 1. Then a short week and a half has passed and now I am enjoying my weekend off before going on to Neurology. I titled this post "cross psych off the list" because 1 down, 9 rotations to go till 3rd year is over but also because I can officially say now that I will not be pursuing Psychiatry as a career profession. Overall I had a good experience and it was a good rotation to adjust to the new schedule of 3rd year but not my cup of tea. I never felt like it was the field where I would be looking forward to going to work each day. It just felt too much like a 9-5 job that I was not passionate about. I had some really interesting patients don't get me wrong. I had multiple patients with schizophrenia and it was so unpredictable how they would be each day. One day they loved me, other days I was insulted, cursed at and told to leave. It was my first opportunity to really "feel like a doctor" and being at the psych unit in the VA, most of my patients called me doc anyway (they didn't know the difference). All the hard work I put in during my first two years is being applied now and even though I have yet to really feel like I have helped someone I think that day won't be far off. Well now I get the weekend to catch up with Christie and enjoy some time together. She is not showing yet but is just past 14 weeks and I would expect her to start showing any day now. The "little bean" is no longer a bean but now about the size of a lemon. Should only be 2 weeks before we know if the "lemon" is a boy or a girl. Super exciting! I know I was planning on keeping this blog updated more frequently but I have been really bad about it so here's hoping I get better. Maybe neurology will give me something more interesting to post about.