Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So, this week is wrapping up which means Heme/Onc month is almost over. It sure did go by quickly! Overall, a great experience and maybe a little bit of encouragement for the future. I would say my evaluation at this point is the following:
Chance of declaring internal medicine as my advising department this December: 95%
Chance of going into internal medicine residency: 90%
Chance of doing Heme/Onc fellowship: 70%
We will see if these numbers stay the same after next month where I will be doing general internal medicine at Fort Gordon (military base in town). I have had some really great patients this month and some pretty decent people to work with. Hopefully next month will continue to be encouraging and my desire to go into internal medicine will reach 100%. I will give you all the updates next month.
On another note, today is Wednesday, which means Christie is officially 22 weeks along. Pretty cool, past the halfway mark a couple weeks ago and now she just keeps growing and we have a name. Peyton Reese is her name. Pretty amazing I am writing it for the first time that my daughter's name will be Peyton Reese, only about 4 months left!!! So excited! Miss everyone who reads this, even though I think at this point it is only my mom.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Every day is a new adventure

So here is the update: Neurology is done, for good. I have decided I will not become a neurologist. On to the next thing. I am in Hematology/Oncology this month. So far so good. I am 1 week in out of 4 and I am still excited about going to work. I guess that is a good sign. Honestly from the beginning of 3rd year I have been looking forward to this month. I am praying hard that this month goes well. I don't think it is coincidence that our church is doing their annual month of prayer and fasting for God to move in big ways. Everyone is encouraged to participate and see God move in their lives and in the lives around them. Before you think that I haven't eaten yet this week let me clarify. Fasting doesn't always mean abstaining from food all together. Fasting can be abstaining from anything in your life that you enjoy or is a part of your everyday routine that will allow you to be reminded to pray, and seek God to move or direct you in life. Last year I did not participate but this year Christie and I are fasting sweets. It may seem small but it is amazing the temptations that arise when you are avoiding it. Just on Friday there were 3 events at work with cookies, brownies, cakes, and donuts. I did not partake even though my sweet tooth tugged hard at me. I am praying this month that God helps me with my direction for my future career and I think this is a great opportunity while I am in the rotation that I am most excited about. Hope everyone who reads these posts are doing well and is excited about fall which is just a couple of weeks away. I know we are here in the furnace of Augusta, can't wait to enjoy a cool breeze with a cup of coffee in my hand. God bless till next time...