Sunday, October 24, 2010

Med School Update and Augusta Half Marathon

Well here is the update...I am done with Internal Medicine (at least for this year). I start Neurosurgery tomorrow. So last month I was at Fort Gordon doing general medicine and overall it went very well. I am about 99% certain that I will be going into Internal Medicine and I am still pretty sure that I will be subspecializing after that but I don't have to make that decision for another 3 or 4 years. So that is exciting, I was hoping that by the end of 8 weeks I would like internal medicine more than when I started. Now I have 8 weeks of surgery before 2 weeks Christmas break. I am sure there will be some interesting stories from surgery, now I just hope I will have the energy to write about them. I really can't say that I am excited about getting up before 4 am and working 80 hours per week but we will see how it goes.

As for the pictures below, this morning I ran the Augusta half marathon and due to my hectic work schedule lately I have not been running nearly enough. So this morning was interesting...
This is right near the finish line and I really had my teeth gritted hard just trying to finish with a respectable time. My only previous half marathon was last Thanksgiving and I ran that in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Well, today my time was 1 hour and 53 minutes. A new PR! Not too bad for so little training.
Here are my little cheerleaders! Christie brought the puppies along and they had a good time and were excited to see me when I got to the finish line.

Stretching out my legs, I think my smile is so big because I am just glad to be done. I am still in pain right now sitting on the couch writing this blog.

The whole family, sorry for the dog butts, they are not that attentive, just too many things to sniff and pee on.