Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dog Gone Cold 5K

Look at my little champ. This is pre-race, Addy was so excited she could hardly control herself. This was a local 5K to support animal groups in the area and the turn out was great. Over 300 runners were there and probably 1/4 of those were running with their dogs.
Look at Addy ready to fire. Unfortunately the weimaraner just behind her beat us but I will take the blame there. I think if I hadn't been so sick recently and we had trained we would have been the winners. Maybe next year...

Here we are finishing. 14th overall and the 3rd dog to cross the line. Addy helped win us some gourmet doggy treats and a loaf of homemade bread. Good work pooch. Hopefully there will be some more adventures in the near future. Till next time...

New Car!!!

A couple of weeks ago we went to CarMax and ended up buying a new Mommy mobile. The car seat didn't even make it in the house. It has been in the back seat for 2 weeks now. Come visit and we will take you for a spin :)

The Ultimate Update

Well, this blog has been an utter failure over the past few months. So we will give you the run down in bullet point format.
-I finished my 5th semester of medical school, I am officially 5/8 a doctor.
-I have declared internal medicine as my career path. I do intend to subspecialize but that is in the more distant future so it doesn't matter a whole lot right now.
-Christie is due to have a baby at any time. She has had a great pregnancy which most of you have probably followed on the only of our 3 blogs that still gets updated. There will be baby updates on that blog and maybe a few select pics on this blog.
-I am currently on my family medicine rotation. I am learning a lot, getting weekends off and no call. I really can't complain.
-I have a 2 week course next and then I have a month off! I will have to pick up an extra elective during 4th year but that seems to be a pretty good trade off to spend some time with the new baby and all the family when they come to visit.

Well since this blog is all about my adventures I guess I can blame my poor follow through with the lack of adventures. But I will make an attempt to do a better job...